Page of language test in Latin, work in progress

Test of UnivLateral

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Test of universal procedure UnivLateral
7 entries
3041 A1 ren sinister
Left member of a pair unit ren. The term is made of a unique word. The lateral adjective is simply added to the right of the term.
4050 A3 arteria subclavia dextra
Right member of a pair unit arteria subclavia. The term is made of a noun and an adjective. The lateral adjective is simply added to the right of the term.
3557 A3 glandula suprarenalis dextra
Right member of a pair unit glandula suprarenalis dextra. The term is made of a noun, a prefix and an adjective. The lateral adjective is simply added to the right of the term.
3025 A3 recessus pleurales sinistri
Left member of a pset unit recessus pleuralis. The term is made of a noun and an adjective. The lateral adjective is added to the right of the term which is then transformed to the plural.
5552 A3 striae medullares dextrae ventriculi quarti
Right member of a pset unit stria medullaris. The term is made of a noun and an adjective, plus a mandatory expansion on ventriculus quartus, which is not bilateral. The lateral adjective is added to the right of the base term before the expansion. Then, the term is transformed to the plural.
6033 A4 gyri breves insulae dextrae
Right member of a pset unit gyrus brevis. The term is made of a noun and an adjective, plus a mandatory expansion on insula, which is bilateral. The lateral adjective is added to the right of the expansion. Then, the term is transformed to the plural, modifying the base term and the lateral adjective, but preserving the genitive expansion.
8806 A4 tractus striatales sinistri
Left member of a pset unit tractus striatalis. This term has an adjective expansion on striatum and receives the lateral adjective at nominative plural on its right end.
result all tests succesful
Date: 22.01.2024